Boom Cycle


To launch the first-ever Boom Cycle in Shoreditch, positioning it as a brand new fun, edgy and intensely high-energy spin studio


Jori White PR introduced co-owners, Hilary and Robert Rowland, to key business media to talk about the launch of their new concept. A 12-strong press preview class run by Hilary herself was then used to introduce Boom pre-launch and ensure it became a big talking point among influencers. This was then followed by interviews and front cover shoots with both London and national media. Personal spin classes were then held with the likes of Urban Junkies and The Evening Standard. The agency also ensured that Hilary became the go-to commentator on all aspects of health and fitness, particularly within the workplace. The extensive PR campaign saw features appear across the board including Daily Candy, The Independent, Stylist, The Times and Marie Claire.


Boom Cycle has since gone on to launch four new sites in central London and become one of the most talked about spin studios in the capital.


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